IEEE RAS EMBS 10th International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics (BioRob 2024), 1-4 September 2024 Heidelberg, Germany


Instructions for Poster Presentation


Instructions to prepare your poster
The size of the posters should be as follows: A0 Height: 1189 mm x Wide: 841 mm (a maximum size of Height 1400 mm x Wide 900 mm is on the poster board available) in portrait mode. Adhesive Poster Stripes will be provided to hang your poster. Next to the stand, there will be a small shelf that is big enough to hold your tablet or laptop (e.g. for showing videos). Please make sure that the text is legible, we suggest a font size no smaller than 40 points.

Instructions to hang your poster
For the morning interactive sessions, the posters should be hung before the first keynote lecture (9.00 or 9.30). The poster area will be open at 8.00 am.
For the afternoon interactive sessions, the posters should be hung during the lunch break but no later than 15 minutes before the start of the session.
Posters should be taken down immediately after the end of the interactive session. If posters are not taken down, the support staff will do this and will bring them to the registration desk.

Adhesive Poster Stripes will be provided to hang your posters and support staff is available to assist you if you need help.
Hang your poster at the poster board with the number that is indicated on the main program downloadable from the link below: